Northstar quarterly market reports
The Northstar Market Report provides powerful empirical evidence as to why we are confident that our investment philosophy and process, closely followed, will deliver market beating returns for our clients over time. This work again points to controllable factors - markets move wildly, falling in and out of love with different sectors and companies, but we have a defined formula that works and we stick to our guns by only owning quality companies when they are incorrectly valued by other investors. We discuss stocks in this report, delving into our investment cases for specific securities which we own.
2021 – Quarter 1
Inflation – friend, foe or figment of the market’s imagination?
Inflation is the new fear. We assess the reality of this based on evidence in the system. We then identify what inflation markers to look out for in the months and years ahead.
Current opportunities in fixed income
The Northstar SCI* Income Fund follows a flexible asset allocation approach that takes advantage of the drivers of returns for the different asset classes at each point in the interest rate cycle, which results in outperformance for investors. This article explains how the Fund is positioned in the current macroeconomic environment and where Northstar sees value in the context of our base, bull and bear case scenarios.
Chinese internet stocks benefit from COVID-19
The global lockdowns and restricted mobility imposed in response to COVID-19 proved to be very beneficial for digitally enabled businesses globally and the Chinese internet giants were no exception. The share price of Tencent has run hard since its March 2020 lows, reaching valuations that seem rich. Alibaba, China’s largest eCommerce platform, has been held back by a number of regulatory challenges over the same period. This article discusses the salient features of both companies, the factors that have contributed to their share price performance and why Northstar’s analysis suggests that there remains value in both stocks with good prospects for further growth.
Staff member profile – Domanique McClean (Business Development Manager – South)
When did your interest in financial markets start?
I completed my Chartered Accountancy designation with Deloitte, Cape Town and was lucky enough to have asset management clients in my portfolio. They quickly became my favourite clients and I was able to gain great exposure to the industry. I found, and still find, the industry dynamic, interesting and knew then that I wanted to work in it! -
Northstar fund range
This is a snapshot of the Northstar fund range in a tabular comparative format.
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