2025/01/13 - Business Day
Northstar in the media
From time to time, Northstar prepares additional ad-hoc content or is in the media. Consistently, on a quarterly basis, Northstar writes a market report where we provide insights on our current investment thinking, particular stock theses and introductions to our team. We hope this content helps you appreciate how Northstar seeks to continually get closer to the truth.
2025/01/10 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q4 2024
2024/11/05 - CityWire
First Avenue and Northstar expect to merge within 18 months
2024/11/05 - The Money Show
The Money Show
2024/11/05 - The Money Show
The Money Show
2024/09/26 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q3 2024
2024/09/02 - Business Day
Investing success comes from an awareness of history
2024/09/02 - Power Talk
Power Talk
2024/09/02 - The Money Show
The Money Show
2024/07/10 - CityWire
I’m not a fan of ‘gut instinct’ – top-performing income PM
2024/06/24 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q2 2024
2024/06/03 - Business Live
SA Inc. still has much to offer investors
2024/03/25 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q1 2024
2023/12/04 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q4 2023
2023/12/04 - Business Live
A tidal turn on horizon for emerging markets
2023/12/04 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q3 2023
2023/08/07 - Business Day
Evaluating the optimal offshore allocation for retirement funds
2023/12/04 - Our Thinking
Client Letter Q2 2023
2023/06/26 - CityWire
Northstar launches global income fund
2023/04/24 - Fund information
Northstar Asset Management – Boutiques on Wednesday
2023/04/21 - CityWire
We know our top 50 buy list stocks better than ‘our families’
2023/04/04 - Insights
Client Letter Q1 2023
2023/03/16 - CityWire
Value is starting to show in stable dividend payers
2023/03/03 - CityWire
Are these SA’s best income funds?
2023/03/03 - CityWire
Fund management should be driven by process, not personality
2023/01/16 - Business Day
Release of chatbot app ChatGPT lets the genie out of the bottle
2022/11/15 - CityWire
How important is SA growth to the investment case for local equity?
2022/10/19 - CityWire
Even at 4% it’s too early to buy US Treasuries
2022/09/26 - Business Day
Are we seeing early signs of Japan-style deflation in China?
2022/09/19 - CityWire
The market has never looked so disconnected from its own history
2022/08/17 - CityWire
SA Equities: Opportunity or value trap?
2022/07/18 - CityWire
Houston we have a problem
2022/06/29 - Our Thinking
Second quarter 2022 – Client Letter
2022/06/27 - Business Live
Equity market valuations matter in rising inflation environment
2022/06/27 - CityWire
Three warnings for markets from company CEOs
2022/05/18 - CityWire
Beyond inflation: The impact of weaker global trade on equity markets
2022/04/21 - CityWire
Reality check: Finding an optimal asset allocation
2022/03/18 - CityWire
Where can you find value in the local equity market?
2022/03/18 - Business Day
Busting myths about growth, value and interest rates
2022/02/15 - CityWire
Don’t ignore the price: Global equity vs SA bonds
2022/01/17 - CityWire
Where not to buy when inflation is high
2021/12/07 - Our Thinking
4th Quarter 2021 – Client Letter
2021/11/30 - CityWire
Citywire South Africa Awards 2021: Nominees for best fund manager
2021/11/10 - Business Live
Competitive advantage drives value and long-term returns
2021/08/27 - CityWire
SA’s top rated flexible fund managers
2021/08/16 - CityWire
Why Northstar has increased its equity exposure to 10-year highs
2021/07/08 - Insights
Naspers Prosus share exchange letter
2021/07/09 - Insights
Second quarter 2021 client letter
2021/05/13 - CityWire
Why would an income fund hold assets with zero yield?
2021/04/28 - BlueChip Journal
Fixed income asset allocation: diversity and flexibility, a must have
2021/04/19 - Our Thinking
Appointment of Rachel Finlayson as Portfolio Manager
2021/03/26 - Our Thinking
First quarter 2021 client letter and market report
2021/03/10 - Glacier Funds on Friday
Mind the gap – steep yield curve ahead
2021/01/28 - CityWire
How a top performing global flexible fund manages equity exposure
2021/01/27 - BlueChip Journal
Reaching for the Northstar
2020/12/09 - Our Thinking
Fourth quarter 2020 client letter and market report
2020/12/08 - CityWire
Is the rotation to value sustainable?
2020/10/06 - CityWire
Northstar appoints Rory Spangenberg as CIO
2020/10/05 - Our Thinking
Appointment of Rory Spangenberg as CIO at Northstar
2020/09/25 - CityWire
Why has Northstar loaded up on inflation-linkers?
2020/08/04 - CityWire
What’s the upside in Amazon or Tesla?
2020/08/03 - Money Marketing
Why an integrated approach to fundamental value, informed by competitive advantage, offers better risk-adjusted returns
2020/10/07 - Insights
Northstar Global Flexible Fund – 3 year track record
2020/07/08 - Our Thinking
Second quarter 2020 client letter and market report
2020/06/30 - CityWire
Why hold holding companies?
2020/06/10 - Social Responsibility
NR Relief Programme
2020/05/21 - CityWire
A better use for Buffett’s billions
2020/05/15 - Our Thinking
Credit – more risk than is obvious to the naked eye
2020/04/06 - Money Marketing
Big is not better in asset management
2020/04/02 - Moneyweb
Is this the end of the beginning?
2020/03/31 - Our Thinking
First quarter 2020 client letter and market report
2020/02/28 - Our Thinking
Blackstone – Capitalising on a changing industry landscape
2020/01/20 - Moneyweb
Is this 2002 for SA investors all over again?
2019/09/09 - Money Marketing
Value in flexibility
2019/04/30 - Money Marketing
Why size matters
2019/03/31 - Money Marketing
Right for the wrong reasons
2018/08/02 - Financial Mail
Little gems, perhaps
2018/07/31 - Moneyweb
Is Facebook’s fall just a blip for tech stocks?
2017/12/15 - Moneyweb
The opportunity in mid and small caps
2017/12/08 - Moneyweb
The equity funds that didn’t own Steinhoff
2017/03/22 - NorthStar Event
Northstar evening with premier Helen Zille
2016/02/29 - RMI
RMI’s new investment management model ready to serve the financial advisory community
2016/02/29 - Money Marketing
Is it all doom and gloom and do opportunities exist for investors?
2016/01/18 - Business Day
RMI to trade under new name
2015/12/01 - Sunday Times
Why care about Mangaung?
2015/11/24 - Biz News
Are there any AGMs of JSE-listed companies worth attending?
2015/11/18 - Business Report
RMI has $70m to spend
2015/11/15 - Sunday Times
Equity investors are having a tough time and it’s not over yet
2015/11/12 - Financial Mail
Investors Notebook, Stephen Cranston
2015/10/16 - Moneyweb
Rand Merchant Insurance chasing asset manager oligopoly
2015/10/15 - Moneyweb
RMI after asset manager oligopoly
2015/09/01 - Sunday Times
Should one hold or sell equities currently considering the market volatility?
2012/06/22 - Financial Mail
Money & Investing: Questions for Adrian Clayton
2002/11/29 - Financial Mail
Building a solid Record
2001/07/23 - Financial Mail
Appleton-trust is standard & Poor’s se toppresteerder met 44,7%
2000/03/24 - Financial Mail
An Attractive newcomer