Northstar BCI Managed Fund

This medium-risk fund is ideal for investors who require a moderate to high long-term total return. The recommended investment time horizon is 5+ years. Managed in accordance with Regulation 28.

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Fund Performance

Northstar BCI Managed Fund

Who should invest

This medium-risk fund is ideal for investors seeking steady long-term growth of their capital and income from a diverse portfolio of actively managed South African and global assets. The fund is managed in accordance with Regulation 28, making it suitable for building up long-term retirement capital. An investment time horizon of at least 5 to 7 years is recommended.

Returns reflected below the chart are annualised. Source: Bloomberg, MorningStar and Northstar Asset Management.


  • 3 Years
  • 5 Years
  • 7 Years
  • 10 Years

Benchmark Return


Benchmark Return


  • A core multi-asset fund.
  • Diversified asset exposures to protect against risk.
  • Moderate to high long-term total returns.
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We can assist you with making direct investments but without financial advice. Direct investments via Northstar are subject to certain minimums.  Simply get in touch with our client service team by emailing

Speak to your financial advisor

Northstar’s funds are available via all the major local and offshore LISPS (linked Investment Services Providers). Please contact us for further information on how to invest via a LISP should that be your preference.

Requirements For This Fund

  • R 10 000
  • R 500
    • Certified Copy of both sides of ID Document with 3 specimen signatures.
    • Proof of Address (not older than 3 months) e.g. utility bill, rates, Telkom.
    • Proof of Banking details (not older than 3 months).
    • SARS document containing name and tax number.
  • Our unit trust range can be accessed via a number of platform providers. Please contact us for further information.

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Further Reading

Commentary for the quarter ended 30 June 2024

Q2 2024 Performance Review

The Northstar Managed Fund returned 3.22% for Q2, 2024 and 4.53% year-to-date.

The fund was globally exposed to the tune of about 34%, foreign equities at 16% with the balance invested in global bonds (13%) and cash 5%.   Considering the rand appreciated by just over 3% against the dollar for the quarter, global returns translated into rands, negated performance.

The Global bond index returned -1.6% ($) for the quarter and negative -4.6% in rands.  Against this, Northstar’s global fixed income portfolio returned +0.53% ($) and -2.5% in ZAR for the period under review.

The MSCI World Index in rands, retreated by 0.9% in Q2.  Although the global stocks held in the Managed fund usually add positively to performance, this was not the case over the past quarter, returning -4.3% (ZAR).

Market outlook and portfolio positioning

Having systematically reduced exposure to overvalued global technology counters over a number of months, the global portfolio underperformed the market this quarter as technology continued to rally and in fact, buoyed the market to positive returns.

The brightest spot for returns in Q2, was domestic equities and our stocks did well, gaining almost 9% and outperforming the Capped SWIX.   The fund also held SA property which returned 5.5% in Q2.  A very pleasing area of returns came from the local bond market, gaining a whopping 7.5%.  The fund held a hefty 15% exposure to South African fixed income assets.

SA assets have re-priced significantly over this period – bonds are now fairly valued, and our equity buy-list is no longer offering outsized returns.  However, local assets could continue to perform for a protracted period but will need an improving economic backdrop to turn sustain gains.

Offshore indices on the other hand are facing future headwinds.  Two factors concern us.  The first is concentration risk – 10 stocks now accounting for 33% of the S&P 500, it is the largest level of index concentration ever.   The second is high valuations for index dominant stocks whilst also having unsustainably high levels of profitability.

For these reasons, our equity exposure offshore is underweight and where we do have positions, the stocks held have sound return potential – they are under owned, under appreciated and have a low earnings base.

The fund is conservatively positioned and will take advantage of any opportunities that arise across markets.

Quarterly Fund Video as at 30 June 2024

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About This Fund

Latest Allocation

  • Fixed Income
  • Cash
  • Equity
  • Alternatives
Management Date
01 August 2011
South African - Multi Asset - High Equity
Fund Size
R 1 billion
Minimum Investment
Lump sum: R 10 000
Monthly: R 500
Latest Distribution
2.28 cpu (31/12/2023)
1.10% p.a. (Excl. VAT)
Risk Profile
Time Horizon
5 Years +
Regulation 28
ASISA Category Avg: SA - Multi Asset - High Equity
Fund Classification
South African - Multi Asset - High Equity

* This is the date from when Northstar commenced management of the fund